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Over the $400,000 mark… lets keep it going!

Up at 3am to start the trek overland to the ACT.  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I started this morning and saw that once again the wind had changed and was now blowing from the north west and directly into my face.  The weather gods are now starting to play mind games with my head.  I must admit that after cycling for an hour into the breeze I was really starting to get frustrated.  I only had a small distance of 85km’s this morning as we have a number of functions in and around the ACT.

My body is definitely ready to finish this week as my legs are still heavy and I still have a cold and irritable throat.  The bottom line is though that I have to still belt out the kilometres as we have engagements to make each day all the way back to Sydney.  I probably only averaged about 25km’s an hour today and the short distance seemed to drag on for hours.

I made the ACT at 11am after some small breaks and then was escorted to Parliament House by the local fire fighters.  We had a number of press turn up at Parliament House where I was met by the Hon Dr Michael Kelly, representing Mr Rudd. 

We then left the ACT and pushed on to the Eagle Hawk Tavern where we were met by the publican, Mark Everson, media, and local residents.  To our delight we received two cheques from the hotel, totalling one thousand dollars.  To add to this, Mark was the kind host to a superb lunch at the tavern.  After leaving the tavern, we were then escorted into Queanbeyan by the local fire brigade who are now hosting a BBQ and conducting a fundraiser in our honour.

I am now glad to say that we are over the $400,000 mark and I have only three big sleeps to go!!!!!!!!


Entering the ACT... the last territory to travel through before returning home

Entering the ACT... the last territory to travel through before returning home

Heavy winds!

Heavy winds!

Craig with the Hon. Dr Mike Kelly MP at Parliament House

Craig with the Hon. Dr Mike Kelly MP at Parliament House

Mark Everson at the Eagle Hawk Tavern

Mark Everson at the Eagle Hawk Tavern

17 Responses

  1. Hi Craig, so so so close. Nearly home.Only 3 more sleeps. We will see you at the Opera House. You must be so so so tied. You must be getting excited about seeing your kids. You have done an amazing job. $400,000 is a lot of money! You are my Hero. I picked you for my Hero in my public speaking at school. Remember every millimetre brings you closer to home. Love Jaime… Keep on going don’t stop now! Love Molly and lots of hugs from Lucy…Go Craig Go xxCaitlyn

  2. Thanks girls, I am very tired and ready for bed tonight at 7pm. I hope to see you all on Thursday at olur beautiful opera house.
    Love Craig

  3. Hey Dad,
    Thought i’d leave a message as this could be the last one till i see you!!! Only 3 more sleeps!!! I CANT WAIT!!!
    Looking forward to seeing you.


  4. gooza haven’t written for a while as things have been happening here Fleetta arrived from the USA and you can’t wipe the smile off Jonnies face. Went to Tim’s grandfinal on Sunday what a game! Somehow ended up with a sweet Claire Bear and Blakey at my house and of course got in trouble for spoiling them. Only got them Maccas! You couldn’t shut Blakey up about his trip to Adelaide and how great a time he had with his dad. He and Claire are so excited that you will be home on Thursday as are every one else. Jonnie is hoping he will be well enough to greet you at the Opera House. Unfortunately some of us have to work, at least there is some consolation in that my work is nothing like, not even remotely close to the labour of love you will have completed on Thursday! See you real soon we all love and miss you as well as admire you, hold you in the greatest regard etc, etc, etc You are (in the words of that song) The wind beneath so many wings!
    Love the Rushbys.

  5. Wow, Craig … I just read the media report from the CCIA mob and ‘Oh my Goodness’ – you are a machine!! All that talking has obviously paid off … over $400 000 and still going strong … Congratulations – and go hard … 3 sleeps!!! See you soon.Kath

  6. Hi Craig,

    Not long to go now. It is great to see you have reached the 400,000 mark – hopefully it will keep on coming. You are truly amazing and inspiring. I hope the winds were blowing the right way today. Everyone is getting very excited to see you and we can’t wait to see what you have in store for us when you get back to training!!! Go Craig!! Love The Bell Family p.s. good luck for your last two days$$$ (from Jacob)

  7. Hi Craig,
    I think I can, I think I can…we know you can!!! We are all so excited for you, you can almost see the end now and just think about a long lazy Sunday this weekend with your family in your own home!!! Argh how good does that sound!! So proud of you and you make us all want to be better people and do more in our community. Hope the wind pushes you home, see you at the Opera House,

    Lots of Love from Lyndall, Brendan, Keira, Tyson and Bailey
    Ps I’m in undercover training so that I don’t fall into a quivering heap on the first training session with you. Lx

  8. Thanks bubs, Almost home sweety.
    Love dad

  9. Thanks Rushby’s, Not long now. I feel like I could ride home now, but got some functions on. Thanks for looking after the kids and see you soon.

  10. Hi Kath, Yes, things have really heated up with the media and now it’s time to convert all the exposure into donations (I hope).
    thanks for all your help, Craig

  11. Hi Sue, Haven’t thought too much about coming home to train, but will have a week off to prepare.
    Regards, Craig

  12. Hi Lyndall, Why is everyone panicking that I am nearly home. I will flog everyone as normal so don’t be alarmed. See you soon.
    Love Craig

  13. Don’t be alarmed !! Easy for you to say Ultra Marathon man – an hours exercise is like sitting on a couch for you now ……….I can feel the pain already.
    The excitement is building in Avalon (and not just because we are giving the kids the day off school !!). Hope the winds are kind to you (and the wind from the support crew as well) in your last day and 2 nights. You are so close and as Lyndall put it so well, you inspire us all to be better people.
    Lots of love
    Nic, Geoff, Em, Lucas and Charlie xoxo

  14. Hi Wards, Only be alarmed if you are feeling guilty!!!!! Nic – Thanks heaps for looking after Lisa and letting your husband come on tour. Geoff – you are still continuing to help and I appreciate that sooooo much.
    C U soon
    Love Craig

  15. […] Over the $400,000 mark… lets keep it going! […]

  16. Wow, $400,000!

  17. Now over $550,000

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