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Jessica’s anniversary

Today was never going to be an easy day as it is Jessica’s 10th anniversary of passing away and the only place I really want to be is home with my family.  This can’t be for obvious reasons.  I left “Three Ways” before 4am this morning wanting to get a good start to a huge day.  As I rode in darkness I followed the brightest star I could see in the sky which our family call “Jess’s star”.  For the first 100km’s I felt like crap as I woke just after midnight and couldn’t get back to sleep.  Once I shook the self pity of my shoulders, I gritted my teeth together and pushed as hard as I could until reaching Elliot around 11am.  I clocked up over 200km’s today and look forward to having a good rest this afternoon.  The landscape today changed from the long flat plains, to rolling hills and thicker scrub.

I plan to cycle/run for two more days and then have a rest day in Mataranka Springs.  This will be the first day off in over three weeks.

My thoughts today are with all those other people struggling with cancer within their families.  Heads up and stay positive.

Cheers Craig.

Early start on a tough day

Early start on a tough day


Preparing to hit the road

Preparing to hit the road


The Hummer

The Hummer

Making the most of great conditions

Make hay while the sun shines”, they say when times are good. With a huge high pressure system over Australia at the moment we have been blessed with some fantastic tail winds across the top of Queensland and now into the Northern Territory. After speaking at Camooweal State School I made a bee line towards the border and crossed into the Northern Territory mid morning on Monday. As soon as I crossed the border the road surface got worse and worse with more patches than road.

This continued for about thirty kilometres sending a jarring pain through the elbows and shoulders. Thankfully after the 30km’s the road surface changed dramatically and is now not too bad. With the tail winds behind, I cycled into the heat of the afternoon making the most of the weather as there is basically nothing between Camooweal and Three Ways (with the exception of Barkley Homestead). At one stage I called the support crew over and played a game of “I spy”. The clue was the letter “n”, and Russell guessed it straight away by saying “Nothing”.

I was on the road at 4am this morning and cycled for about six and a half hours making good time. At this time of the morning I only had one road train pass me which makes riding very pleasant. The most common thing seen out here is the large red kangaroo’s with the occasion camel, and large eagle. Unfenced cattle stations is also a problem with some large cattle on or at the side of the road.

The body is feeling ok at the moment but very tired. My bum is still not used to the bike seat over six hours, but whose whinging.

Thanks again for those following and the support.


Crossing the border into the Northern Territory

Crossing the border into the Northern Territory





End of Day 26

End of Day 26