• A2B4C Photo Gallery


Craig is supported by a dedicated group of people. 

The team at Children’s Cancer Institute Australia (CCIA) can answer any of your questions about the ultra marathon.

Please contact:

Erin Fisher
A2B4C Project Manager
Ph: 1800 682 536
Email: efisher@ccia.org.au

You can support Craig and his fundraising efforts by donating online today

139 Responses

  1. Hi
    I was hoping to get out and support Craig at the Port Stephens leg. Do you have an approximate date for when he will be arriving there??


    James Witchard

  2. Hi Craig,
    Thanks for the interview on Sunday – the reaction from listeners was most positive.Can’t believe you are on your way but I reckon by the end of the week your body will be used to the punishing regime again and it will become a step closer to the finish.Congratulations to your back up team who have done an excellent job getting the message out there about your epic journey.
    I will stay in touch with the tracker to plot your journey and update the locals in the Manly Daily each week.
    You are an inspiration to us all mate.The Sea Eagles team send their best.

    • Hey there Zorba. First opportunity to sit down and reply to so many messages. I have just crossed into the Maroon’s country just after state of origin and that hurts more than the marathon. I am feeling pretty good and pushed out some huge days to get infront of schedule. Now have a chance to have friday off in Kirra before heading towards Brisbane on Saturday. Obviously very sore and tired at the end of each day but most importantly I can see increases in the donations each day. Looking forward to speaking to you on Sunday.
      Regards, Craig. PS please pass on my best to the players and thank you for the donation.

  3. Hi Craig,

    Phil, Josh, Jake and myself are all avidly following your progress on your ultra marathon. You are so inspiring. I hope you can hear our cheers “Go Craig”. It is great to read your blogs, look at the photos and watch the videos on You Tube. Love The Bell Family

  4. G’day Craig,

    Ben Johnson here (Sam Johnson’s brother – we met at Sam’s wedding).

    Great suff to here you’re on your way (again). As you come closer to Warrnambool VIC, I can do some arranging for you if you like. I have contacts with the loacl rag and the chaplains in the local schools. Also we could probably pull a few skis together to set out from the surf club and then 8km up the hopkins river which get’s you to the start of the Great Ocean Rd – depending on your route. I don;t know how much publicity you’re looking for on the way or if your head is just down trying to click the kms over???

    All the best,


  5. Hey i was wondering when Craig was getting brisbane ?????

    im cousins with his nephew and i think my mum might help out or something

  6. Hi Jess, I am currently in Tweed and having a day off tomorrow. On saturday i plan to paddle towards Bribie Island with some running and cycling. may not go thru brisbane but in the area on saturday. we can be contacted on mobile 0400959716. regards craig

  7. Hi Craig, just sent a text to the above mobile number, hope you get it. Thinking about you every day, stay strong, keep well and hopefully drier as you head north.

  8. Thanks Sheryl, Yes you got the right number and it is good to hear words of encouragement each day. I am very tired by the end of each day but inspired by everyones interest and continual donations. Still very wet today but no wind which is all I care about. I can handle the rain but hate the wind.
    Regards, Craig

  9. I think you beaut

  10. Thanks Rob. All good up here and going to enjoy a day off.

  11. Hey Craig and Team.
    Following your progress and thinking of you. Stay safe and good luck. You are an inspiration to all!!!!
    The Pipers

  12. Hi Craig

    Great to see that you’re on your way, and that you’ve got Ian Dalgleish, Pete Carter, Billie Wall and Richard McEvoy from Avalon Beach SLSC who’ll be helping you in the support crew on parts of the trip – some of those backing up again from trips 1 and 2!… great effort.

    I put up the story below on http://www.realsurf.com (extracted from the Manly Daily article).

    Hopefully you’ll get some extra donations via the realsurf audience!

    The current a2b4c website is a leap forward technically from the realsurf pages set up to follow the first trip in 1998, as well as the second one, eh?

    Congratulations on another great effort. Safe paddling, running and cycling!

    All the very best

    Roger Sayers
    Life Member
    Avalon Beach Surf Life Saving Club.

    Avalon’s Craig Goozee is off again – to raise money for cancer research

    Avalons Craig Goozee is off again – to raise money for cancer research
    Posted by: goat on May 30th, 2009
    Onya Craig TG
    Run, cycle, kayak 12,500 km
    29 MAY 09 @ 03:59PM BY JESSE PHILLIPS

    Craig Goozee hopes to complete his ultra marathon in three months. Picture: Simon Dean

    IT is an almost unimaginable feat for anyone to attempt, but yesterday ultra-marathon runner Craig Goozee put his shoes on and started a 12,500km run, cycle and kayak mission around Australia.

    A former undercover policeman, Mr Goozee, 45, has previously completed two ultra marathons, but neither were as ambitious as his latest attempt.

    While obviously possessing freakish endurance, Mr Goozee is also driven by the desire to honour his daughter, Jessica, who died from cancer at the age of nine.

    An ambassador for the Childrens Cancer Institute Australia for Medical Research he hopes to raise $1 million throughout his run, dubbed A2B4C, to support the institutes vital research programs.

    His previous runs in 1998 and 2000 raised more than $650,000.

    Yesterday morning he kayaked in to Manly about 9.30am before making his way to Avalon Public School, where he was greeted by impressed school kids.

    His journey will see him run, cycle and kayak around Australia for three months, visiting towns in all parts of the country, before returning to Sydney about the end of August.

    To support Mr Goozee call 1800 682 536 or make a donation online at http://www.a2b4c.com.au.

    from the Manly Daily Sat 30 May 2009

    Posted in: Good causes, News Stories.

  13. hi Craig,
    i was just thinking how far you have gone since you started?

    love tilda

  14. Real quote from Lucy ..
    “When is Craig back .. I want to give him a big hug”

    We all enjoy looking at the progress .. some of us are addicted. Keep safe

    Kylie, Geoff & Bell Girls

  15. Thanks Piper clan, Since you rejected us Rob, perhaps Kath would like to come up in the next support crew leg. Simmo second the motion.

  16. Thanks tilda, feeling well and nice to hear your words of encouragement.

  17. Hi Lucy (and all the bells) Big cuddlies as I wouldn’t be back for a little time yet.

  18. [from Oliver, age 7]

    Hello Craig,
    I get hungry after I play soccer. My favourite food is Weetbix and oranges. What is your favourite food after you run?

    [I think he wants to share your secrets with the U7 Avalon Pirates…Liz]

  19. I love banana’s and all other fruits.

  20. G’Day Craig

    You are chewing up the miles like a seasoned veteran and I can see the dollars slowly rising. Love your work mate… extremely inspirational stuff.

    I’ve asked Ged to let me know where I can help out. So if he forgets again keep me in mind.


  21. Good to hear from you CP. It is nice to know so many are following the trip. Today was a shitter, but you get those.
    Cheers Gooza

  22. Hi Craig, yes even here in the UK we are tracking your fantastic journey, being educated on the way! Dugongs? never heard of these until now. We will continue to track your epic journey with much interest and wish you a safe one. Well done Craig, a donation will be winging its way to oz for such a worthy cause.

  23. hi craig, i go to avalon ps and i was at x country when you came past
    how far have you gone now
    i wish i was like you
    you are so cool and you rock
    hope to hear your letter back
    lol tilda

    • i Craig
      i came third in x country and i went to regos and came 22nd
      as well as my friend Emily Caine she came 7th in zone so she was reserve
      for regos

      lots of love tilda and emily

      P.s hope you are doing well and hope u aren’t sick

  24. Thanks for the message tilda. I am at Gladestone this morning and about to head out to paddle for 25 kilometres.
    Regards, Craig
    P.S. How did you go in the X country?

  25. Hi Craig, hope all is well, keep up the great work, I will keep track of your progress. Regards: Dragon supporter & Grey Nomad: Peter Carter.

  26. Pete said “onya dad”. Everything is going well and the first crew you met are heading home after tomorrow from Longreach. Our tracker system is currently down but expected to be back up in 2 days.
    Cheers from all the manly supporter’s

  27. Dear Craig,
    We have heard about your journey from our teacher Miss Milne. We think you are doing an excellent job so far. We have enjoyed reading some of your blogs, especially about the croc!!

    We have a few questions for you, if you have time.

    – Do you enjoy riding from town to town?
    – What has been the best things that you have experienced so far?
    – Which would you prefer, cycling, paddling or running?

    Keep on going Craig, you are doing a Fantastic job!
    I hope we can keep hearing your interesting stories of your travels.

    Have Fun!
    From 2M

  28. Thanks 2M. I am glad you are enjoying the adventure and the stories of our travels. My favourite part is paddling my ski. The best experience was paddling in amongst a pod of dugongs in Hervey Bay and past a crocodile. I do like going from town to town as every kilometre is different.
    Regards Craig and enjoy the skip-a-thon.

  29. Good to hear from you and it was good you got so far in the cross country. We are all doing well up and it is starting to get very hot. I am starting very early in the morning and trying to finish each day before 1pm.
    All the best, Craig

  30. […] Contact « Jessica’s anniversary […]

  31. Dear Craig, the weather held out and Avalon Public school was able to hold their skipathon.We decorated the playgound with the biggest A2B4C chalk letters we could make. Loads of children coloured them in bright colours so that our playground looked wonderful for the skipathon. 800 plus children jumped for 25 minutes. their was a see of happy faces as children reached their own goals, hopefully Erin will send you some photos. We haved already raised approximately $3000.00 through the armbands, Airband Competitions by the SRC, Disco’s at lunchtime,and our special Purple Ribbon Day. the money will continue to grow as we still have the raffle and our mini olympics to run.

    As I sat opening envelopes and counting the money that the children have raised> I couldn’t help but smile at the comments from a little kindy girl who donated all her piggy bank savings of $1.25 to Mrs Kirby getting her hair dyed as well as Blake’s total of $150 to hopefully getting my hair shaved. Bailey Preston in 6VDR estimated that if every child in Avalon school raised $20.00 for A2B4C via the skipathon that we would approximately earn $17,000 dollars for cancer. I am pleased to announce that we are right on target. Some children alone have raised amounts up to $400.00.

    Mrs Kirby, Mrs Johnson, Mrs Campey, Miss Warren, Mr Bourke and Mr Willis will all undergo a dramatic change next term in their hairstyles. I myself will definitely be dying my hair a very dark colour.

    Will keep you posted. Love Vee

  32. PS Should have checked the spelling and grammar before I pressed send. Tell the kids often enough to do it!

  33. Hi Verity and all at Avalon P.S. I rang home last night and lisa told me of the massive effort and result from all the students and teachers at Avalon. I am just blown away at the support and still remember the first day when I passed the school and saw all those screaming and smiling faces.
    I cannot thank you all enough, and I know that your enthusiam will show others just how we can make a difference.
    I have just rode into a Northern Territory town called Mataranka and launched myself into some thermal springs.
    Thank you all so much and speak soon.
    Craig x

  34. hi Craig
    i came third in x country and i went to regos and came 22nd
    as well as my friend Emily Caine she came 7th in zone so she was reserve
    for regos

    lots of love tilda and emily

    P.s hope you are doing well and hope u aren’t sick

  35. They are fantastic results. I am feeling good and having a day off tomorrow to rest.

  36. Hi Gooza,

    Been following your progress and it’s great to hear you’re ahead of schedule. Can’t wait to get on board at Kalgoolie around the 21st. Tell me, are the beards mandatory.

    All the very best and see you soon,


  37. Looking forward to having you on board burty. No, they aren’t, but you can perhaps shave your legs instead as you have the first lot of females in your crew and things could change.
    Good Luck!!!!

  38. Hello friend.

    Oh, your blisters, I feel your pain! They look nasty. You are so inspirational. Well done Craig. You never disappoint. You are truely a very special person who will and has made a difference in this world. We are all so proud of you and what you are doing.

    On another note – here’s cheers to the leg 2 support crew. What an amazing adventure boys. Also, can I ask who has been taking all those fantastic photo’s? They are really, really good. The composition in particular!

    Russ, the rumour mill says your needed back at home. The front lawn needs mowing. And I saw Sal this afternoon and she said she is lonely of a night…. I know you’ve had a good time boys but home is calling you back.

    Take care all of you.

    KT x

    P.S – love the song AND the boat navigational u-tube..

  39. Yes the boys are startging to cry as they only have about 5 days left of the trip. It was a painful day yesterday but an experience. We went into back waters that not many would have been to. It was croc infested and something you would expect to see on a doco. Suffered overnight from dehydration and heat stroke, but just finished another day and now timde to rest.

  40. Hi craig
    It has been the best up here footy is good we need to ask have you been watching the footy out there, I mean it must be devestanting that you can’t watch the footy I be diing to watch footy even dad will.
    anyway love you and have a good trip.
    love Jack,Dylan and Brianna

  41. hey gooooooozzzzaaaa! going strong mate, keep it up!
    loving ur blogs and missing you at training its not the same without you…. mick has been great but hes making us do these things i dont know if u know it but its called STRETCHING and i hate it hahaha!! and also his one cd is getting old!
    see ya soon
    love you so so much nug xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooo
    so much 😉

  42. They don’t have NRL in WA and don’t even show it on Fox. We went to a tavern on Friday night to watch it and no luck. Boo Woo!!!

  43. Hey there nug, Glad you are missing my training as when I get back I can flog u after oxfam. Things are going good up here, very tired but all good. Say hello to the boys at footy and the family.
    Cheers, Gooza

  44. Hi Gooza,

    We can’t wait to spend time with your family / our family next week. We are off to Sydney on Saturday to catch up with everyone. Then we are kidnapping Lisa and the kids and bringing back up to Wauchope. It will be sooooo awesome.

    But wish you were coming too.

    Love you heaps

    Katha, Rod, Jack, Dylan & Brianna

  45. Hi guys, Really missing home right now. Just hit the west coast and it looks pretty awesome. Having a rest day tomorrow before starting the 605km trek towards Port Headland.
    Love Gooza

  46. Craig:

    My friend Dr. Moira Clay turned me on to your quest on Facebook, and after looking at some of these post I am even more impressed! Hang in there for your great cause. Your ride is an inspiration to a lot of folks. Marathon Bike Riding…it’s not just for sore quads anymore!

    Tim Golliher
    Cincinnati Ohio, USA

  47. Hi Craig – I think what you are doing is amazing and truly inspirational! I ran 6 Foot Track for the 2nd time this year and Oxfam Trailwalker last year, and struggled with 45kms and 100kms in the ‘wilderness’ so I can only imagine what you are going through every day. I often think about where you are on your journey, especially when heading out for a very short training run in comparison, and hope you are staying well and strong. This will be such an amazing and unforgettable journey. I will continue to watch you progress and look forward to reading your updates. Take care and look after your feet! Jen

  48. Hi there Tim, Nice to hear from someone so far away. I hope you enjoy the journey with me and I share some of my sights thru the lens of the camera.
    Cheers Craig

  49. Thanks Jen, I too run Oxfam and 6ft track but won’t be this year due to this. I arrive home the day before Oxfam and will be support crew for my wife’s team which I usually run with. She has been the first women home 3 out of 4 years and we usually finish around 6th which is the first mixed team. This journey is so much different in that you have to do it every day and try to recover as quick as possible. I generally try to zone out for long periods to keep an even heart rate. Glad you are enjoying the journey and perhaps see you on the track in August.

  50. hello Craig
    Thinking of you and wishing you good health throughout the journey. Hope we can meet you when you come to melbourne and will possibly ride in for a short distance with you (if you’ll ride slowly) Hopefully Steve will throw a goat on the barvie for old times sake. Take care.
    Love and good wishes Mary and Steve Chiodo.

  51. Hi Craig,
    Thanks soooo much for remembering me the day before my marathon. That meant a lot to me, and when the going was tough (particularly after 31 klms) i would imagine you beside me saying “push through Linda”, and i would think of Lisa telling me just keep putting one foot in front of the other. And so i got to the finish and was even able to muster the strength to put on a little bit of speed through the finishing shute, in a time of 5:19. But what a high at the end! I missed reading your blog while I was away, but have caught up now, I bet it’s great to have Tim with you! Was that Billy Wall I saw in one photo? I thought he was on KT’s leg. Stay strong,physically and mentally. Your crews are doing a top job!
    Linda xx

  52. Hi Mary/Steve. Yes throw another goat on the barbie for old time sake. Would love to see you in Melbourne. Keep tuned and u will find out our progress as we approach.
    Love Craig

  53. Was thinking of you Linda during your marathon as I was doing similar on the day. Have had no reception for the last 3 days which is going to be common for the next 1000km’s. Yes, that is Bill and he is going thru to Adelaide.
    Love Craig

  54. Hi Craig
    Our thoughts are with you on that long dirt road, hang in there – you are on the way home now, the down hill run although I am sure not all of those hills are in the down direction !! We are all thinking of you constantly and still checking the blog daily for the updates – makes us all want to travel the country but more hummer / winnie style than bike/kayak/legs
    Lots of love and thoughts of no head winds
    Nicky, Geoff and the kidlets xx

  55. I want to trade the hummer for a 1963 VW as I am jealous too. I don’t get a chance to ride in the beast with it’s heated leather seats. The support crew need a reality check.
    Luv Craig

  56. Hi Craig,

    Mate, you’re a true legend! I’m writing from London where me, Kerrie & Luke are watching the Lords Test Match & following your progress on the web. It’s a small world, I ran into Andy Gerry at the cricket. Wishing you safe travels for the rest of your amazing journey. Nick, Kerrie, Daniel & Luke Friend (& Andy too!)

  57. Hi Nick, Long time no see. It is a small world and I am amazed at who is following the blogs. It is great to hear from you and enjoy the test matches. Like Andy, I am still living in the same area and still loving Av.
    Cheers Craig

  58. Hi Craig,
    Bill and i have sent you hugs and kisses with KT. Make sure you collect them from her! You’re doing awesome, we are looking forward to your story on Random Acts of Kindness on Sunday night. I have sent emails to everyone in my address book to make sure they watch, and log on to the website. Bet you are looking forward to some female TLC for a change.
    Lots of love, Linda & Bill xx

  59. Hi Bill and Linda. Haven’t you seen some of the girls I have had on this support crew. They have been dressed more in drag during their days than normal clothes. Yes some TLC will be nice.
    Luv craig

  60. Hi Craig

    We have not met but like many others heard about you on Random Acts of Kindness.

    You most certainly have honoured your daughter …. and the rest of this country!!!

    I am so proud of you and am amazed at your strength.

    We send you our donations and our good wishes for a safe and successful journey.

    Mark and Annie Abra
    Harcourts Toowoomba

  61. Gday mate u are a trooper,youve made me think,i broke my neck 3yrs ago and i have been at a loss with what to do.While i was in the hospital(1and a half years in the P.A Spinal Rehab),i would busy myself cracking jokes and generally trying to step outside myself by helping others.Since getting out of hospital i have slipped into a malaise.Until i saw random acts of kindness and your story,i want to do something what do you think of a Quadraplegic going around Australia in a electric chair to raise money for charity probably crazy but drop me a line tell me what u think,im a very determined man and i need to do somthing real to help.
    Either way i will donate (sorry it wont be much im on a pension at mo) where ever your daughter is mate shes smiling on you.

    • Well Paul – the sky is the limit. Mate you can do whatever you want as long it is reality. If you believe you could do something in your wheelchair then go for it. You only live once and should have a go. The only time you fail is not trying or living your dream. Just because you have a disability, doesn’t mean you have to sit and achieve nothing. You obviously have a brain and some drive – so use it. Go for it mate.
      Cheers Craig

  62. Hey Craig – been hanging out all week to see you on Random Acts of Kindness. (So weird, we were telling someone about you last weekend and the next thing we saw the ad for the show and there you were!!!)

    You deserve everything that they did for you and more.

    We are so sorry that Geoff is not there helping you out. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you on the South Coast of NSW area.

    We wish you and your support team all the best.

    Lots of love
    Geoff and Sue-Anne Newton

    • Hi Geoff and Sue-anne, Good to hear from you. Left a message on your phone last Oz day from memory. Yes sorry that Geoff couldn’t come but ended up with a reserve list a mile long. Hope you are both well and yes we are coming thru that way so stay tuned.
      Love Craig

      • So great to hear from you.

        You know we are here to help when you get down near us -so PLEASE give us a yell. We really want to help.

        Hey, I am impressed – how on earth are you finding the time to write back to everyone??

        Really hope you’re going well. We will keep watching.
        Take care
        Lots of love
        Sue-Anne and Geoff

  63. as i was watching random acts of kindness it touched my heart as i am only 14 and i feel very lucky to have not gone through what many people have gone through to know you may have saved at least 1 life a day or so and helping search for a cure your a real hero all the best of luck in the future there is no one else who deserves it more its not the celebrities i look up to its very few people like you 🙂

  64. I thank you for your kind words. I leave early every morning and have so much thinking time. Messages of support help me through the toughest moments. Spread the word and help the cause.
    Regards, Craig

  65. Hi Craig
    Not sure if my last blog reached you as I can’t find it myself… won’t give up my day job just yet – computers are not my forte!? Hope you are travelling ok if not a little weary. Just wanted to say thanks for your kind words on random acts of kindness. Seeing Jessica again and hearing you and Lisa speak of that time had a profound affect on me – it’s humbling to have had the honour to be a part of your lives, then and now. Stay strong out there – i’ll spread the word and that money will be got!!
    lots of love, alice (& Ben, Ned, Grace and samuel)

  66. Thanks Alice, I didn’t get the other message but definately got this one. I haven’t seen the show and won’t until returning home. Lisa would have loved to have been there when you surprised me and will look forward to catching up.Love Craig

  67. Go Craig!!! Broke the $300,000 barrier! Hurray! The Paine’s and us went to Walshe’s Pub in Queanbeyan on the way home from the snow to watch Random Acts of Kindness and walked away with $300 in donations. Thanks to eveyone there. The kids were so excited to see you on the TV. We were all emotional but it was amazing to look around the pub and see so many strangers emotional as well. They were all just so overcome by what you are doing.

    You are a legend and have inspired so many!!

    Lots of Love

  68. Thanks Jenn, Looking forward to seeing you in Adelaide. We didn’t see the show so can’t comment, but have some great responses so far and I hope that the donations keep rolling in. Well done at the pub on the way home.
    Luv craig

  69. Hi Craig,
    I learned of your amazing journey watching Random Acts of Kindness last night. 14 years ago when I was 12 I was diagnosed with bone cancer, and again when I was 14. I am so greatful that you are out there raising awareness and funds for this important cause. Jess would be so, so proud.
    My best wishes, thanks (and donation) go out to you.

  70. Hi Craig
    I have just finished watching yesterdays episode of random acts of kindness.
    I am a mother myself and cant even imagine wat you went through with your beautiful daughter Jessica she looked so brave and i know she would be so proud of her dad right now.
    What you are doing is so truly inspiring you have really put into perspective what is important in life.
    You should feel very proud as u have made a difference in so many peoples lives.
    I will be spreading the word about everything you have been doing keep up the good work

  71. Hi Craig

    I think your journey around Australia is pretty damn amazing and I am in awe of your strength and commitment to the challenge of bringing an end to childhood cancer, you are one super human being with a heart of gold and I applaud you.

    I am following your journey by Google earth and along with your photos I have found the scenery so incredibly stunning and diversified, I am amazed at the huge mines and how breathtaking the sunrises are I feel really blessed to live in such an astonishingly beautiful country

    My thoughts are with, stay strong you are now on the downhill run home

    Say hello to Billy


  72. Great to hear from you Helen and thanks for assisting. I hope things continue to go well for you in the future.

  73. Thanks Jess, The more that spread the word the better. I am inspired by others who wish to help and go out of their way.
    Regards, Craig

  74. Thanks Robyn, This country is amazing and so are the people that live here. Everyone that comes across us helps with the cause. We will continue to show our country and hopefully reach the magic target.

  75. No worries. Will be in touch as I get closer to NSW
    Cheers Craig

  76. Hi Craig,

    Following your journey is enlightening ,photo’s are wonderful. You are such an inspiration,an amazing person ! Well done,I hope all continues to go well and that the target is reached. It’s a shame the media doesn’t run with your story, it would be a refreshing change from the bad things ! So many people are unaware of people like you . Envisioning a dream is easy,but seeing it through is not ! Good Luck for the next 30 days !

    Cheers, Christine.:)

  77. Thanks Christine, We are hoping that 60 minutes or some of the other programs jumps in as this will help reach the target. I appreciate you following the journey and your encouraging words.

  78. Hi Gooza,

    25 days to go! It must be nice to be counting down the days instead of up. You finish this month! Wow that sounds good. I can’t wait to see you. You are a truly amazing person and such an inspiration.


    Katha (& Rod, Jack, Dylan & Brianna)

  79. Thanks Katha, Looking forward to seeing the family this week. Yes-finally counting down but still 4 states and one territory to go. That sounds a lot.
    Love Craig

  80. One more sleep till you see the family! Wohoo!
    Lisa is super excited and Blakey has already packed his little bag!
    Not long now! After seeing them you will be on the home stretch!
    Can’t wait to see you at the finish line, and I am looking foward to doing my bit at the Manly game!


    Bec (and Jamesie)

  81. Thanks Bec, Good to see you still on the leaders board in the 1000 club. Maybe you won’t want to see me when I get back to train u!!!!!
    Love Craig

  82. Hi Craig,

    My little girl Tilly is now 1 year into treatment for ALL. Like all her friends at SCH, she is amazingly brave, resilient and an inspiration.

    You too are an inspiration!!!

    I recently became this year’s Manly Daily Community Father of the Year finalist. I look at what you are doing for your family.. and ultimately for every family around the world.. and I feel guilty. I hope that one day I will also find that type of greatness inside of me.

    Thank you for everything and good luck with the rest of your adventure. Hopefully we can get rid of the C and your next adventure can be a2b4fun instead (the short way around, of course)!!

  83. Hi Craig,

    My mother-in-law has been keeping us up to date with your journey as you are a friend of my sister-in-law, Jodie Polkinghorne. I am inspired by your journey as I am currently organising a bike ride from Melbourne to Adelaide (via Great Ocean Road) for a little boy in Adelaide, Kaleb Bussenschutt, who is allergic to ALL foods. I met this family as their Starlight wishgranter for their daughter who has kidney disease. Although I feel overwhelmed at times by the enormity of the task ahead, I know it is achievable from all the stories I’ve seen of your fundraisers. I am so lucky that my eight year old daughter is healthy and I feel so privileged to be a part of something that will be life changing not only for Kaleb, his family but also for my family. I feel this experience is already teaching my daughter about compassion. If you would like to follow Kaleb’s Journey, our website is http://www.kalebsjourney.org/

    Thanks for the inspiration Craig,

    Mimi Wong

  84. Hi Mimi, Well done for granting Kaleb a starlight wish and being part of that foundation. We still keep in touch with the lady who granted Jessica her wish and are now good family firends. It is indeed rewarding to be able to help others suffering thru no fault of their own.
    Good luck and thanks for following this journey
    Regards, Craig

  85. hey craig just a quick message to enlighten your spirits as we heard you were a bit down in your blogs…. keep it up mate you are romping it in! we are making sure your girls are looked after, kylie doesnt have much hair hopwever as we filled it with elastic bands and she had to cut them out haha lisa put a little bit of weight on as you would have noticed but with a strict diet and fitness regime we ran it out of her. :0 cant wait till your back so you can join our oxfam team as we have a team member whos a little old and we are a little worried about his heart (DAD).

    love you to the moon and back then around australia
    nug and paul

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxooxoxoxo love love love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx you you you xxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooxoxoxoxoxoxoox
    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxoxo hate hate hate ooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookylie and lisaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooooooooooooo

  86. Thanks guys, Only 12 more sleeps to the 100km off road race.
    C U then. Gooza

  87. Hi Mate,

    We are so proud of you – 50kph going up hill you machine. Looking forward to your arrival in Sydney, you might want to jump off the bike for a bit and punch out a few reps behind the mower now you are approaching home. Seriously your achievement is mind blowing. Maxi yelled out Gooooza when he saw the footage of you tonight. All our love and best wishes Bonkos.

  88. Hi Craig
    Hard to fathom what you are achieving. Thinking of you every day and what a wonderful wonderful thing you are doing for kids with cancer. Can only imagine how much your body is hurting and how much you must be looking forward to home. SEnding you all the best of wishes for the final leg. Lots of love, Alice (and ben, ned, grace,samuel) xx

  89. Thanks Bonks, Looking forward to getting home but will miss the magical experience of this journey.
    Your Mate, Gooza

  90. Thanks Alice, Heard you were the star on the Random Acts of Kindness. Yes – looking forward to seeing Lisa and the kids. Not long now and I hope the end result gets to the 1 mill mark.
    Love Craig

  91. Hi Craig, you’re just a machine! I know that here at home, from the comfort of our lounge, we are insulated from the real pain you are going through on a daily basis. I know I cannot truly appreciate what you go through day after day, yet you keep going. It will all be worth it! Besides, I believe you’ll be getting in a bit more running now, getting ready to join Lisa and team for Oxfam….? Nothing like the idea of 100 klms in 15 hours the day after you get back to Sydney! We are so looking forward to seeing you and giving you a big hug.
    Love, Bill & Linda
    (you don’t need to reply to me, i’m sure you have more than enough to do for the next 9 days… I just like you to know we are thinking of you)

  92. I will make the effort to say G’day if you send me a message.
    Thanks Linda

  93. Dear Craig and crew, We are so excited for you here at Avalon Public School knowing that you will soon be safely back on “Our shores”. We hope that you have seen some of the wonderful transformations that occured to many teachers last week at our final Peer Support Lesson titled “Hair today, gone tomorrow”. If not many hundreds of wonderful photos await your return when you are feeling up to a few laughs.

    I sent an email to Leah and Erin confirming that Avalon has definitely raised $19,036,70 through our variety of fundraisers. We continue to sell raffle tickets and armbands, so the final amount may not come for another month or so, hopefully by then you will be refreshed enough to come to APS and draw that raffle. we will then present you and The Children’s Institute a cheque.

    All the best on your journey home, our thoughts are with you, your wonderful crew and your beautiful family. Can’t wait to give you a big cuddle myself.

    Lots of Love Vee

  94. Hi Craig
    Just returned from OS and catching up on your marathon. I am in awe of your achievements and still find it hard to comprehend the enormity of what you have undertaken. You really are the ultimate example of what one person can achieve when they set their mind to it.Great to see that Avalon School is right behind you and with Verity driving the team who knows what is possible.
    See you in Sydney.
    Best Wishes

  95. Hey Gooza

    Loving your daily updates. You are almost home mate!

    I still remember the moment vividly…. I was sitting on the plane back from Hamo and reading your book on your previous ultra marathon, your life journey and what inspired you to make a difference in your own way. It brought me to tears.

    I’m blown away that you are out on the road yet again, and again making a difference for the kids who need all the help they can get.


    [If anyone hasn’t read ‘All for One’ I’m sure you can still buy a copy, I think part of the purchase price still goes towards Craig’s fundraising goal?]

  96. Hi Verity, What a wonderful effort to raise so much from just one primary scholl. Jess would have been so proud of her old school. I can just imagine the photo’s and the expressions on some of the teachers and pupils faces when this all happened.
    Looking forward to getting back and seeing everyone.
    Love Craig

  97. Hi rob, Great tpo hear from you. Hope you had a fantastic time away and enjoying your retirement. C U soon
    Kindest Regards, Craig

  98. Thanks Sweet Pea, (Ha Ha) There ae no secrets here now with Ged on tour and he just filled me in on your new nickname. Appreciate your comments. This is my last big marathon and I hope you have enjoyed watching the scenery. C u soon.

  99. HI Craig

    Just wanted to drop you a quick message to say that we are all so proud and amazed by what you have achieved and that your energy, love and determination is so inspiring to our family and thousands of others.
    Keep powering on, we look forward to catching up with you back in Avalon and sharing your journey at the Miramar Ball in September.
    Love and strength

    Adam, Justine, Nikita & Beau xxxx

  100. Hi there Van Der Wallen’s, I am looking forward to the ball as well as it has been over a year since I have had a beer and look forward to just relaxing.
    Cheers Craig

  101. Hi Craig

    I just wanted to let you know what a special guy you are. Your dedication and commitment to a cause that touches so many people from all walks of life is amazing. My 11 year old neice is currenlt recovering from her 3rd brain tumor so I know the effect it can have on family and friends.

    Good luck with the rest of the marathon. You’ll never know how many people are cheering you home !


  102. Hi Vicky, I am so happy to receive your message as some days I feel that I am getting no where. Knowing that I am possibly helping others such as your family means a lot to me. I really hope that your niece recovers and lives to enjoy a normal life.
    Best of regards,

  103. Hey mate,
    seeing the latest video of you laying on the ground saying how stuffed you were means to me that you must have been well and truly…
    those headwinds can really knock you around and they must have been brutal to have a man of your conditioning and drive flat out.
    but anyone who knows you (and most likely a lot that didn’t know you before this epic journey) will know that it would take a lot more than that to have the slightest chance of stopping you. it’s just another speed hump on the road to bennelong point.
    now stop bludging and get back on that bike!
    best wishes and see you soon (maybe on the road for the last day but let me know about that as i don’t want to cramp you)
    happy, sarah, ruby, mr ed, and emma the lab

  104. Hi Craig
    ONLY 5 sleeps to go – yippeeeeeee for your body (and for the lovely Lisa and kids) and not so yippeeeeee for the Rising Sun bodies back in Avalon that are about to be punished. Do you think 5 sleeps is enough for us to get back in tip top condition ??

    You have come so far and are more inspiring now than ever so here is a quote from another Ward (William Arthur Ward – no relation !!)

    “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”

    You have much to teach Craig and I am sure you will go on inspiring and teaching even when this ultra marathon is a distant memory. The star is shining brighter and brighter as you approach Sydney !!

    See you Thursday
    Lots of love
    The Wards xox

  105. 3 months and the grass in Av is getting bloody long – mate, we need you back here to start cutting it again!

    Now that the end is in sight it must be the hardest kms yet – but just think, this time next week you’ll be at home in your own bed and with your wonderful family all around you and yet another amazing achievement under your belt.

    Not long now, everyone just cannot wait to see you, keep peddling and smiling.
    love em xx

  106. Hey there happy, Yeah big day. having a cold at the moment isn’t helping with my conditioning as I am full of crap. The winds were just out of control and the amount of debris. Speak soon

  107. Ward Family, Such inspiring words from two who are going to wish I had never returned. Ha Ha. I have just knocked over another day and I’m another step closer.
    Love Craig

  108. Hi Emma, I think lisa is going to have to come and sleep with me in the campervan as this has been my home for 3 months now. Only joking. I know she is itching to have me home as are the kids.
    Love Craig

  109. Hi Craig,
    just one more message of encouragement. I read these words in a running magazine recently, and looking back over your journey of the last 90+ days they seem quite fitting. “The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start”.
    Only 2 and half days to go. Dig deep, finish strong. See you at the Opera House!
    Love, Bill & Linda xx

  110. thanks Linda, I must admit that on about day 4 I asked myself “what have I got myself into here.” It has been a remarkable and challenging journey and worth every bit of pain.
    Love Craig

  111. Hi Craig and Linda.

    Really great words Linda. Craig, I was wondering if day 4 was when Ian started cooking omeletes and you thought “what have I got myself into here”….

    Gotta keep you smiling. Very excited about your return. Enjoy the last few days and a big, big well done of course to you, but all of the support crew. I think every leg had some really special people who gave so selflessly and worked so hard before and after their leg…

    It’s a credit to you.

    Lots of Love,

    KT x

  112. Thanks KT, I couldn’t do this without my support crews.
    Love Craig

  113. Hey big guy,
    You’ll be playing in the forwards for the Sea Eagles with those massive legs after the journey.
    What is the e.t.a at the Opera House on Thursday?


  114. Hi Scotty, Yeah I feel a bit chunky in the legs. 12pm at Opera House.
    Cheers Sock

  115. Your part way through your target of a million and your nearly home. So you may as well keep going and go around again…….. You are truly amazing Gooza.

  116. Well, what can I say that hasn’t already been said by everyone else. You are unbelievable..

    We can’t wait to welcome you home safe and sound with everyone who will be at the Opera House, along with everyone around Australia/the world that have followed your journey and who’s hearts you have touched.

    I look forward to spending time with you on Friday supporting the 100km.

    See you tomorrow.

    The Bailey’s

  117. You are part way to the million and nearly home so you may as well go back around again. You are truly amazing Gooza.

  118. Hey Mark, Your sister would kill me if I kept going.

  119. Thanks Katha, C U 2morrow and I too look forward to sitting down on Friday and chatting.
    Love Gooza

  120. Lucky last message -I promise!!!! So excited for you today and so happy to see you back home with your family. What a man you are and everybody was so happy for you, words just don’t seem to express what we are feeling about you and this amazing challenge that you have completed. See you Saturday night to really celebrate. Lots of Love From Lyndallxx

  121. Thanks Lyndall, Well it wouldn’t have been possible withut the help of people such as yourself. It was a great team effort.
    Love Craig

  122. It wouldn’t have been possible without that smoked salmon omelette!

    It was so special to see all those beautiful people out there, coming together for one good reason and one good person.

    Lets hope the money just keeps rolling in. What a fabulous finish. What a generous contribution from the Bayfields and what a stunning day it was….

    Love, love, love it all…..

    KT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    p.s – Kai is quite happy with himself – featuring as the poster boy on the website. “We love you”

  123. Hi Craig,

    Just saw you on tv, moved to Australia recently and only just heard about your tremendous achievement. It is very inspiring to hear your story and i will make a donation immediately.

    Keep up the good work!

  124. Hi Simone, Thanks for the donation and I hope you enjoy our wonderful country.
    Cheers Craig

  125. Hi Craig,
    On behalf of everyone at Sold Out National Event Management a big congratulations on finishing your three month journey around Australia – we were very excited to see you on the Today Show this morning and to see that you have raised over $500 000 for CCIA – that is fantastic.

  126. Terri Morley
    August 28, 2009 at 5:31 pm
    Congratulations Craig! And welcome home!

    It has been amazing to watch your incredible journey!

    You are a true inspiration!


  127. Thanks Joanne, We finally made it throught the most amazing time.
    Regards, Craig

  128. Hi Terri, It has been amazing thru my eyes too. What a country, and what great people Australian’s are. Thanks for following the journey.
    Regards, Cfaig

  129. Craig,
    Great cause, great effort, great man.

    Mate your courage, committment and stamina is simply inspirational. Congratulations on completion of your amazing trek. I have no doubt the $1m will be achieved in the near future.


    PS Great to see Schoey volunteer for the OX fam 100km

  130. Thanks BC, It was great to see you join the 1000 club and I appreciate your words and assistance in helping reach that target.
    Cheers Craig

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