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Over the undulating hills on the road to Cloncurry

The mornings are now getting much better and only getting as low as 7 degrees. It was pleasing to wake again this morning at 4.30am and find the tail winds still blowing at about 10-15 knots. My sleep of late has been unsettled for some reason and I must admit it was hard to get the legs to move this morning when the alarm sounded. My theory is that the longer I lie in, the harder it is to start. Once I am on the road (or water), it isn’t too bad. The mornings out here between 4.30am and 7.30am are just pure bliss. During the first three hours this morning only two road trains passed us, making the morning ride very quiet and peaceful. I have found that the caravans and trailer homes don’t venture out until after 9am and by then I have knocked over a great part of the day.

I cycled 145km this morning and finally got some reception just out of Cloncurry. The omniscout has kicked back in but I am expecting that it may disappear as I ride between here and Mt Isa. It is midday as I write today’s blog. I am going to head west for another hour or so and we will camp off the road at a local dam.

The country side has changed from flat plains as far as the eyes can see, to more scrubby undulating hills. I seem to be back in a pattern of riding up for 500m and then down the same, which isn’t bad for a change. Cattle grids across unfenced roads are becoming more frequent and certainly shake the old and tired body around when crossing. All in all I am feeling okay, but a little sore and tired today. I will be in Mt Isa tomorrow with reception and look forward to responding to e-mails and ringing family. Love to Lisa and kids – miss u deeply.xxx

Regards, Craig



Ant hills

Ant hills

Craig and Russell

Craig and Russell

The Knob

The Knob

Where's Wally?

Where's Wally?

Out with the old in with the new!

After tears from support crew one it was on the road with the new support crew after an interview with the ABC. On a perfect morning with a great tail wind I headed out of Longreach and directly west towards Winton. The road and terrain out here is flat, flat flat. Again we saw emu’s, roo’s and large eagles soaring over the highways looking for food. The road trains out here are starting to get longer with three trailers hitched on the back, and measuring 55m in length. The truckies and travellers have all been great out west passing on their best with a honk of the horn and a friendly wave.

We have safely arrived in a small town called Winton some 178km’s from Longreach. The omniscout is still having a few hissy fits and not registering over half the days movements. The tracker system now sits in the support vehicle as we thought the vibrations from the road on my bike may have affected the functions.

We have been invited to stay at the Matilda Country Tourist Park in Winton tonight and will do a small presentation to the other travellers over dinner.

I hope all went well today at Avalon Public School today, who held a massive skip-a-thon for the charity.

Regards, Craig

Out they go! Say goodbye to Support Crew One... see you at the finish line!

Out they go! Say goodbye to Support Crew One... see you at the finish line!


Back on the road

Back on the road


New Crew for Leg Two!

New Crew for Leg Two!